This weekend I headed downtown to take some family photos of my good friend Hollye. We had fun and it was great to hang out for an hour or so. Miss K is so sweet and says the funniest yet smartest things. As you can see, monkey joined in on the fun. Here are a few photos from our session.
It was so much fun taking photos of the kids at the preschool again this year. I love seeing how much they have grown since the last time I was there. It is also nice because the kids remember me now and aren't so shy in front of the camera as they once were.
Meet Miss O. Isn't she cute. Yes, she roots for the bulldogs, but don't blame her!! :) I am not much into college football myself. I am surrounded by people wearing bright orange though and so this little red cheerleader outfit sticks out a little bit here. :oP
At a soccer game, her mom asked if I could snap a few photos of her in her outfit, so I did. And I think she is just precious!!
Some more fun images from my time with these two cutie pies!! Aren't they just precious?? I played around with the processing of these images and I am pleased with how they turned out! I hope their momma likes them!
I spent the weekend playing with my camera at the kids soccer games. I have come home so many times feeling like I got some good photos and only ending up with 3 or 4 that I love out of 200!! That is disappointing!
I did some reading up on shutter speed, which is the part I have trouble with.
Sweet little Miss R. was playing on the bleachers and let me take a few pictures and her mom was sweet enough to let me share them with you!